Font Info

Font info sheet

The Font Info sheet is an interface to edit font naming fields, vertical metrics and other font meta-data. It also holds RoboFont specific defaults that are local to the UFO. Many of the fields have a default value that only needs to be overridden if you have a need to. This means that for a simple font, all you need to fill in is Family Name and Style Name to get a working font. You only need to set the values where the default doesn't match your needs. 

An example of this would be creating a eight weight font family where you want to style map the italics to the roman of each weight. To do so, you need to set four names in each font:

My Font Light

  • Family Name: My Font
  • Style Name: Light
  • Style Map Family Name: My Font Light
  • Style Map Style: Regular

My Font Light Italic

  • Family Name: My Font
  • Style Name: Light Italic
  • Style Map Family Name: My Font Light
  • Style Map Style: Italic

My Font Book

  • Family Name: My Font
  • Style Name: Book
  • Style Map Family Name: My Font Book
  • Style Map Style: Regular

My Font Book Italic

  • Family Name: My Font
  • Style Name: Book Italic
  • Style Map Family Name: My Font Book
  • Style Map Style: Italic

and so on.

Though RoboFont allows you to only set a few values, you have control of all values —down to setting FOND name info— if you need them:

These values are derived from the Font Info section of the UFO spec.