Display Modes

The Font Collection View has two display modes, “Tiled glyphs” aka "glyph cells" and “Glyph list”. Users can switch between those two display options by clicking on the icons at the lower left of the Font Collection window.

Switch display modes

Tiled glyph mode

Tiled glyphs view

Depending on the size of the tile it will display more information about the glyph (name, metrics, layers).

The size can be adjusted by zooming in or out or by adjusting the slider in at the bottom.

Unsaved glyphs have their names highlighted until the font saved again.

Marked glyphs will display the mark color in the glyph cell.

A colored L at the bottom right indicates that the glyph contains more than one layer.

A gray N at the bottom right indicates that the glyph as a note.


Glyph list mode

List mode

The glyph list mode displays all glyphs as a big table, showing different kinds of glyph data.

This view makes it possible for users to perform search operations for different kinds of glyph data.

Right-clicking in the table header activates a contextual menu which lets users turn individual data columns on/off.

Available glyph data:

preview glyph thumbnail
name glyph name
left sidebearing glyph left sidebearing
right sidebearing glyph right sidebearing
width glyph width
unicode glyph unicode
contours amount of contours in the glyph
components amount of contours in the glyph
amount of components in the glyph a comma seperated list of all components base glyph names
anchors amount of anchors
anchor names a comma seperated list of all anchor names
color the mark color of the glyph
empty a bool indicating if the glyph is empty
template a bool indicating if the glyph is a template glyph
glyph changed a bool indicating if the glyph has changed

The displayed glyph data can be used to search and find glyphs or make smart sets.

read more: Search and Find, Smart Sets