Font Info

Font info sheet

The Font Info sheet is an interface to edit font naming fields, vertical metrics and other font meta-data. It also holds RoboFont specific defaults that are local to the UFO. Many of the fields have a default value that only needs to be overridden if you have a need to. This means that for a simple font, all you need to fill in is Family Name and Style Name to get a working font. You only need to set the values where the default doesn't match your needs. 

An example of this would be creating a eight weight font family where you want to style map the italics to the roman of each weight. To do so, you need to set four names in each font:

My Font Light

  • Family Name: My Font
  • Style Name: Light
  • Style Map Family Name: My Font Light
  • Style Map Style: Regular

My Font Light Italic

  • Family Name: My Font
  • Style Name: Light Italic
  • Style Map Family Name: My Font Light
  • Style Map Style: Italic

My Font Book

  • Family Name: My Font
  • Style Name: Book
  • Style Map Family Name: My Font Book
  • Style Map Style: Regular

My Font Book Italic

  • Family Name: My Font
  • Style Name: Book Italic
  • Style Map Family Name: My Font Book
  • Style Map Style: Italic

and so on.

Though RoboFont allows you to only set a few values, you have control of all values —down to setting FOND name info— if you need them:

These values are derived from the Font Info section of the UFO spec.


General font info settings. Most of the more specific values in other parts of the Font Info get defaults from these settings:


Option Default Description
Family Name None The font's family name. Required
Style Name None The font's style name. Required
Style Map Family Name Preferred Family Name followed by Preferred Subfamily Name Family name used for bold, italic and bold italic style mapping.
Style Map Style Regular The style map style. The possible values are Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic.
Version Major 0 Major version.
Version Minor 0 Minor version.



Option Default Description
Units Per Em 1000 Units per em.
Descender -250 Descender value. This must be 0 or a negative number.
x-height 500 x-height value.
Cap-height 750 Cap height value.
Ascender 750 Ascender value.
Italic Angle 0 Italic angle.



Option Default Description
Copyright Not set Copyright statement. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 0.
Trademark Not set Trademark statement. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 7.
License Not set License text. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 13.
License URL Not set URL for the license. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 14.



Option Default Description
Designer Not set Designer name. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 9.
Designer URL Not set URL for the designer. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 12.
Manufacturer Not set Manufacturer name. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 8.
Manufacturer URL Not set Manufacturer URL. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 11.



Option Default Description
Note Not set Arbitrary note about the font. This is not put into a generated font, but is there for the designer's use for keeping notes about the UFO (changes, thoughts, to-do list, etc.).


OpenType specific font info. For further information on any of these options, consult the OpenType specification.

head table

Option Default Description
created Current date/time. The creation date of the font.
lowestRecPPEM 6 Smallest readable size in pixels. Corresponds to the OpenType head table lowestRecPPEM field.
flags Flag 0: Baseline for font at y=0
Flag 1: Left side-bearing point at x=0
A list of flags one can set based on the OpenType specification. Most of these flags, though not all, are for TrueType hinting. Options are:
Flag 0: Baseline for font at y=0
Flag 1: Left side-bearing point at x=0
Flag 2: Instructions may depend on point size
Flag 3: Force ppem to integer values for all internal scaler math
Flag 4: Instructions may alter advance width
Flag 11: Font data is "lossless"
Flag 12: Font converted (produce compatible metrics)
Flag 13: Font optimized for ClearType


name table

Option Default Description
Preferred Family Name Family Name Preferred family name. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 16.
Preferred Subfamily Name Style Name Preferred subfamily name. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 17.
Compatible Full Name Style Map Family Name followed by Style Map Style Name. If the Style Map Style Name is Regular, it is not used. Compatible full name. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 18.
WWS Family Name Not Set WWS family name. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 21.
WWS Subfamily Name Not set WWS Subfamily name. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 22.
Version Version Major followed by Version Minor in the from of 0.000 Version string. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 5.
Unique ID A string that is: OpenType Version;OS/2 Vender ID;Style Map Family Name followed by Style Map Style Name Unique ID string. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 3.
Description Not set Description of the font. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 10.
Sample Text Not set Sample text. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 20.


hhea table

Option Default Description
Ascender Units Per Em value + Descender value Ascender value. Corresponds to the OpenType hhea table Ascender field.
Descender Descender value Descender value. Corresponds to the OpenType hhea table Descender field.
LineGap 200 Line gap value. Corresponds to the OpenType hhea table LineGap field.
caretSlopeRise 1 Used to set the slope of the text cursor (rise/run). Use 1 for vertical. Corresponds to the OpenType hhea table caretSlopeRise field.
caretSlopeRun 0 Used in conjunction with caretSlopeRise. Use 0 for vertical. Corresponds to the OpenType hhea table caretSlopeRun field.
caretOffset 0 The amount to shift a slanted highlight to produce the best appearance. Set to 0 for non-slanted fonts. Corresponds to the OpenType hhea table caretOffset field.


vhea table

Option Default Description
vertTypoAscender Not set Vertical ascender value. Distance from the centerline to the previous line's descent. Corresponds to the OpenType vhea table vertTypoAscender field.
vertTypoDescender Not set Vertical descender value. Distance from the centerline to the next line's ascent. Corresponds to the OpenType vhea table vertTypoDescender field.
vertTypoLineGap Not set Line gap value. Corresponds to the OpenType vhea table vertTypoLineGap field.
caretSlopeRise Not set Vertical caret slope rise value. A value of 0 for the rise and a value of 1 for the run specifies a horizontal caret. A value of 1 for the rise and a value of 0 for the run specifies a vertical caret. Corresponds to the OpenType vhea table caretSlopeRise field.
caretSlopeRun Not set Vertical caret slope run value. See the caretSlopeRise field. Corresponds to the OpenType vhea table caretSlopeRun field.
caretOffset Not set Vertical caret offset value. The amount to shift a slanted highlight to produce the best appearance. Set to 0 for non-slanted fonts. Corresponds to the OpenType vhea table caretOffset field.


OS/2 table

Option Default Description
usWidthClass   Width class value. Can be Ultra-condensed, Extra-condensed, Condensed, Semi-Condensed, Medium (normal), Semi-expanded, Expanded, Extra-expanded, or Ultra-expanded. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table usWidthClass field.
usWeightClass   Weight class value. Must be a positive integer. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table usWeightClass field.
fsSelection Nothing set Options are
1 UNDERSCORE: Characters are underscored
2 NEGATIVE: Characters have their foreground and background reversed
3 OUTLINED: Outlined characters
4 STRIKEOUT: Characters are over-struck
7 USE_TYPO_METRICS: Use OS/2 Typo values for ascender, descender, and line gap
8 WWS: Font has name table strings consistent with a weight/width/slope family without requiring the WWS name values
9 OBLIQUE: Font is oblique
achVendID   Four character identifier for the creator of the font. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table achVendID field.
fsType No embedding restrictions The allowed type of embedding for the font. Options are:
No embedding restrictions
No embedding
Only preview and print embedding allowed
Editable embedding allowed
Additionally, one can choose if they wish to allow subsetting and/or only bitmap embedding.
ulUnicodeRange   A list of supported Unicode ranges in the font. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ulUnicodeRange1, ulUnicodeRange2, ulUnicodeRange3 and ulUnicodeRange4 fields.
ulCodePageRange   A list of supported code page ranges in the font. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ulCodePageRange1 and ulCodePageRange2 fields.
sTypoAscender Units Per Em value + Descender value Ascender value. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table sTypoAscender field.
sTypoDescender Descender value Descender value. Must be 0 or a negative number. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table sTypoDescender field.
sTypoLineGap 200 Line gap value. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table sTypoLineGap field.
usWinAscent Maximum y value of the font. If not available, the Ascender value. Ascender value. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table usWinAscent field.
usWinDescent Minimum y value of the font. If not available, the Descender value. Descender value. Must be 0 or a positive number. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table usWinDescent field.
ySubscriptXSize Adobe FDK will calculate Subscript horizontal font size. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySubscriptXSize field.
ySubscriptYSize Adobe FDK will calculate Subscript vertical font size. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySubscriptYSize field.
ySubscriptXOffset Adobe FDK will calculate Subscript x offset. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySubscriptXOffset field.
ySubscriptYOffset Adobe FDK will calculate Subscript y offset. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySubscriptYOffset field.
ySuperscriptXSize Adobe FDK will calculate Superscript horizontal font size. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySuperscriptXSize field.
ySuperscriptYSize Adobe FDK will calculate Superscript vertical font size. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySuperscriptYSize field.
ySuperscriptXOffset Adobe FDK will calculate Superscript x offset. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySuperscriptXOffset field.
ySuperscriptYOffset Adobe FDK will calculate Superscript y offset. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySuperscriptYOffset field.
yStrikeoutSize Adobe FDK will calculate Strikeout size. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table yStrikeoutSize field.
yStrikeoutPosition Adobe FDK will calculate Strikeout position. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table yStrikeoutPosition field.
Panose Family kind: Any The Panose classification for the font.


 The Postscript window allows you to set a variety of Postscript related settings:

These settings apply to various tables and functions of the Adobe FDK. For technical information on these values, see the Adobe Postscript Type 1 specification.


Font Info Postscript Identification

These are font name values for Postscript.

Option Default Description
FontName A combination of the OpenType Preferred Family Name and the OpenType Preferred Subfamily name, stripping out any invalid characters. Name to be used for the FontName field in Type 1/CFF table.
FullName A combination of the OpenType Preferred Family Name, a space, and the OpenType Preferred Subfamily name. Name to be used for the FullName field in Type 1/CFF table.
WeightName Looks at the OS/2 usWeightClass value and picks the description that best matches the value from the table below:

100 Thin
200 Extra-light
300 Light
400 Normal
500 Medium
600 Semi-bold
700 Bold
800 Extra-bold
900 Black
A text description of the weight of the font. It should correspond with the OS/2 usWeightClass value.
Unique ID Number Not set The Postscript Unique ID number.



Font Info Postscript Hinting

These values control the output of the autohinter.

Option Default Description
BlueValues   A list of up to 14 space separated numbers (integers or floats) specifying the values that should be in the Type 1/CFF BlueValues field. This list must contain an even number of integers following the rules defined in the Type 1/CFF specification.

These values are a font's primary alignment zones.

OtherBlues   A list of up to 10 integers or floats specifying the values that should be in the Type 1/CFF OtherBlues field. This list must contain an even number of integers following the rules defined in the Type 1/CFF specification.

These values are a font's secondary alignment zones.

FamilyBlues   A list of up to 14 space separated numbers (integers or floats) specifying the values that should be in the Type 1/CFF FamilyBlues field. This list must contain an even number of integers following the rules defined in the Type 1/CFF specification. This sets BlueValues across a typeface family, and should be the same for each font in the family.
FamilyOtherBlues   A list of up to 10 space separated numbers (integers or floats) specifying the values that should be in the Type 1/CFF FamilyOtherBlues field. This list must contain an even number of integers following the rules defined in the Type 1/CFF specification. This sets OtherBlues values across a typeface family, and should be the same for each font in the family.
StemSnapH   List of horizontal stems sorted in increasing order. Up to 12 space separated numbers (integers or floats) are possible. This corresponds to the Type 1/CFF StemSnapH field.
StemSnapV   List of vertical stems sorted in increasing order. Up to 12 space separated numbers (integers or floats) are possible. This corresponds to the Type 1/CFF StemSnapV field.
BlueFuzz 1 The number of units to extend the effect of an alignment zone to compensate for slightly inaccurate point data.
BlueShift 7 Adjusts the point at which character features outside of an alignment zone will overshoot.
BlueScale .039625 (10pt at 300dpi) BlueScale value. This corresponds to the Type 1/CFF BlueScale field. This controls the point size at which overshoot suppression is turned off. The formula to determine BlueScale at 300dpi is: (pointsize - 0.49) / 240
ForceBold Off Turning this on this will instruct the font interpreter that it can thicken stems that would render at 1px on screen.



Font Info Postscript Dimensions

Option Default Description
SlantAngle The italic angle if set, otherwise 0. Artificial slant angle.
UnderlineThickness Not set Underline thickness value. Corresponds to the Type 1/CFF/post table UnderlineThickness field.
UnderlinePosition Not set Underline position value. Corresponds to the Type 1/CFF/post table UnderlinePosition field.
isFixedPitched Off Indicates if the font is monospaced. A compiler could calculate this automatically, but the designer may wish to override this setting. This corresponds to the Type 1/CFF isFixedPitched field
DefaultWidthX 200 Default width for glyphs.
NominalWidthX 0 Nominal width for glyphs.



Font Info Postscript Characters

Option Default Description
Default Character Not set The name of the glyph that should be used as the default character in PFM files. This is not used in OpenType.
Microsoft Character Set Not set The Windows character set. This is not used in OpenType


Font Info Miscellaneous

This allows you to set specific FOND data for the font if you wish.

Option Default Description
Font Name Not set Font name for the FOND resource.
Family ID Number Not set Family ID number. Corresponds to the ffFamID in the FOND resource.

You may wish to additionally consult the Adobe FOND Specification.  


Schermafbeelding 2013-01-22 om 14.42.03

This sets preferences for UFO in RoboFont to deal with defaults for generating a font file from the UFO.

Decompose If checked, the font's components will be decomposed when a font is generated.
Remove Overlap If checked, overlap will be removed when the font is generated.
Auto Hint If checked, the font will be auto hinted with the Adobe FDK autohinter (Postscript) or ttfautohint (TrueType–Only if installed in the system) using the settings from the Postscript hinting info.
Release Mode If checked, will set the Adobe FDK in release mode when generating the font. This will turn on subroutinization (makes final OTF file smaller), applies your desired glyph order, and removes the word Development from the font's version string.
Format Which format to generate the font as: OTF, TTF, or PFA
Italic Slant Offset Will shift your glyphs horizontally to the left during generating binaries. The number must have a negative value. This is mainly used during drawing italics with slanted metrics. 
Spline Conversion When changing between Cubic (Postscript) and Quadratic (TrueType) curves, the conversion can either preserve the number of points or preserve the curves (adding points as need be).
Template Character Set Set the default template character set for this font.