Adding and Deleting Glyphs

Adding Glyphs

An Add glyphs sheet will shown the place to append glyphs to a font 
(Application menu ⇢ Font ⇢ Add Glyphs)

Add glyphs

In the text editor users can type glyph names to add the font. It should be a space sperated list of glyph names

Glyph name formatting
  • <glyphName>

    a agrave

    Creates a glyph with the given glyph name.

  • <glyphName>=<baseGlyphName>+<baseGlyphName>…


    Creates a glyph with the given glyph name and adds a component referenced to glyph named ‘a’ and ‘grave’ to a glyph named ‘agrave’.

    (There are no spaces in the simple glyph math)

  • <glyphName>=<baseGlyphName>+<baseGlyphName>@<anchorName> …


    Creates a glyph with the given glyph name and adds a component referenced to a glyph named 'a' and 'grave' to a glyph named 'agrave'

    The position 'top' is a reference to an anchor to specify the offset. Both glyph must have an anchor with <anchorName> and <_anchorName>.

  • <glyphName>|<unicode>


    Creates a glyph with the givin glyph name and adds unicode value ‘0061’ to glyph named ‘a’.

  • <glyphName>=<baseGlyphName>+<baseGlyphName>…|<unicode>


    Combine all glyph name formating. Creates a glyph with the givin glyph name and adds a components referenced to glyph named ‘a’ and ‘grave’ to a glyph named ‘agrave’ and adds unicode value ‘00E0’ to glyph named ‘agrave’

    (There are no spaces in the simple glyph math)

Enable Add Unicode to generate unicodes for the newly created glyphs. Enable Sort Font to resort the font after glyphs has been added.

Deleting Glyphs

Select a glyph or range of glyphs (shift or option click) in the Font Collection. Press del or backspace to remove glyphs from the font. A warning will be shown because this action is not undoable. To remove both the glyph and template glyph alt + del or alt + backspace.

read more: Application Menu

Mark Glyphs

The Font Collection allows users to add a mark color to the selected glyphs. Just hit the toolbar ‘Mark’ icon, and a list of predefined colors will be shown.

The mark colors list can be edited in the Preferences dialog.

Mark glyphs

Marked glyphs

read more: Preferences


The Font Collection can sort glyphs. This sorting order will be used during the generation of font binaries.

Sort by character set

Custom sorting

  • Smart sort
  • Character Set
  • Custom:
    • Alphabetical
    • unicode
    • script
    • category
    • block
    • suffix
    • decompositionBase
    • weightedSuffix
    • ligature either ascending/descending and allow pseudo unicodes

Users can set the order locally in just the current font or create a general sorting option in the Preferences.

Sorting glyphs will sync to the public.GlyphOrder font lib key.

read more: Preferences

Smart Sets

The Font Collection can hold a number of Smart Sets. A Smart set is a list of saved search and find queries. Smart Sets can be organized in binders, ake groups.

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There are two kind of smart sets:

Query-based smart sets

Displayed with a litle gear icon.

Based on a list of glyph names

Can display the amount of missing glyphs in the font.

Smart-sets based on glyph names are able to find missing glyphs, and create them by right-click on the smart set item. The counter indicates how many glyphs are missing from the total.

click Set the seleted smart set as sub.
double click Edit the smart set item, can either as a search query or as a list of glyph names.
right click (only for list based smart sets) A contextual menu pops up displaying all missing glyph names and an option to create the missing ones.
click + alt Set all glyphs in the smart set as selected.
click + drag Rearrange the order of the smart sets.
delete (del or backspace) Remove the selected smart set.
Smart set Options
Delete set Delete the selected set.
Export sets Export the sets to a *.roboFontSets file.
Load Sets Loads a *.roboFontSets file.
Export To Group Export the selected set to a group.
Create new set from glyph Names Pops up a sheet where you can create a smart set based on a list of glyph names. (see Adding and deleting Glyphs for how to format glyph names)
New Smart Group Create a new 'binder', Smart Group to store and sort Smart Sets
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Right Click on a smart set

Right click on a list based smart set will pop up a contextual menu if not all glyph are represented in the font. The pop up menu will provide a quick access to add the missing glyphs to the font. Double click a single glyph in the list will only generate the selected glyph.

read more: Search and Find, Adding and deleting Glyphs

Search and Find

The Font Collection can search and find glyphs and save the search query.

Users can toggle the Search and Find bar in the toolbar of the Font Collection window in multi-window mode, or at the bottom of the window in single window mode, or use ⌘ + F.

Search and find

By clicking the ‘+’ in the top right of the font collection an advanced Search and Find will reveal.

Users can build queries based on glyph data you see by the collections view in Glyph List mode.

preview glyph thumbnail
name glyph name
left sidebearing glyph left sidebearing
right sidebearing glyph right sidebearing
width glyph width
unicode glyph unicode
contours amount of contours in the glyph
components amount of components in the glyph
amount of components in the glyph a comma seperated list of all components base glyph names
anchors amount of anchors
anchor names a comma seperated list of all anchor names
color the mark color of the glyph
empty a bool indicating if the glyph is empty
template a bool indicating if the glyph is a template glyph
glyph changed a bool indicating if the glyph has changed

The name matches option is able to use regular expression. Regex can help you to create smart search queries and smart sets later on.


  • ([a-z])
    lists all lowercase glyphs.
  • ([A-Z][a-z]*) 
    lists all uppercase glyphs.
  • [A-z] 
    lists all 52 uppercase and lowercase glyphs.
  • [a-z](caron|cedilla|ogonek|commaaccent|grave|acute|dieresis)
    lists all lowercase with those accents.

Save Set

Users can save the query as a smart set. A smart set item will be created and will search the font dynamically based on the given query. The result will be adapted based on changes in the font.

Selection to Set

Save the selected glyphs in the Font Collection as smart set. This smart set will display glyphs based on a list of glyph names.

read more: Display modes, Preferences

Display Modes

The Font Collection View has two display modes, “Tiled glyphs” aka "glyph cells" and “Glyph list”. Users can switch between those two display options by clicking on the icons at the lower left of the Font Collection window.

Switch display modes

Tiled glyph mode

Tiled glyphs view

Depending on the size of the tile it will display more information about the glyph (name, metrics, layers).

The size can be adjusted by zooming in or out or by adjusting the slider in at the bottom.

Unsaved glyphs have their names highlighted until the font saved again.

Marked glyphs will display the mark color in the glyph cell.

A colored L at the bottom right indicates that the glyph contains more than one layer.

A gray N at the bottom right indicates that the glyph as a note.


Glyph list mode

List mode

The glyph list mode displays all glyphs as a big table, showing different kinds of glyph data.

This view makes it possible for users to perform search operations for different kinds of glyph data.

Right-clicking in the table header activates a contextual menu which lets users turn individual data columns on/off.

Available glyph data:

preview glyph thumbnail
name glyph name
left sidebearing glyph left sidebearing
right sidebearing glyph right sidebearing
width glyph width
unicode glyph unicode
contours amount of contours in the glyph
components amount of contours in the glyph
amount of components in the glyph a comma seperated list of all components base glyph names
anchors amount of anchors
anchor names a comma seperated list of all anchor names
color the mark color of the glyph
empty a bool indicating if the glyph is empty
template a bool indicating if the glyph is a template glyph
glyph changed a bool indicating if the glyph has changed

The displayed glyph data can be used to search and find glyphs or make smart sets.

read more: Search and Find, Smart Sets