RoboFont just got a lot better…

RoboFont 1.3 is out! and has lots of improvements, new features and bug fixes, a brief overview.

  • New embedded FDK version.
  • Possible to have a mixed selection in the glyph view containing points, segments, contours, anchors, components and an image.
  • Possible to use RoboFont as a shell command, see preferences to install the shell command and the usage. Super handy for third party apps that like to hook into RoboFont externally.
  • Drag & drop in Font Overview allowing to sort glyph order.
  • Open feature files natively and export them to open UFOs.
  • Lots of new preference settings:
    • 45° shift contraints settings.
    • New Hot Key commands like Test Install.
    • An other color for open contours starting points.
  • Retina support
  • Code signed

Read the version history, a complete list of changes, add ons  and new features.

You should get an atomically update when you use RoboFont 1.2.
If you still use RoboFont 1.1 you should redownload the app.

I would like to thank all the beta testers and all users posting on the forums for their precious feedback and feature requests.

Enjoy and draw good type!

The documentation will get incremental updates.

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