RoboFab extras

See the RoboFab site for an extended object descriptions. There are some additional RoboFont specific methods and attributes added to some objects.

Base Objects

Allmost every class used has some additional attributes.


  • addObserver(observer, methodName, notification)
    adds an observer to the object that notifies the methodName of the observer for a given notification
  • removeObserver(observer, notification)
    removes the observer for a  given notification

Font Object

Create a new font object:

  • RFont(path=None, showUI=True)
    ShowUI will toggle the creating of all interface objects around a font.


  • document()
    returns the related NSDocument
  • renameGlyph(oldName, newName, renameComponents=True, renameGroups=True, renameKerning=True)
    Rename a glyph in the font.
    Optionally the glyph can be renamed in all component references, groups and kerning.
  • generate(path, format, decompose=False, checkOutlines=False, autohint=False, releaseMode=False, glyphOrder=None, progressBar=None, useMacRoman=False)
    Generate a font binary to the given path with the given format ("otf", "ttf", "pfa")
    Adding a progressBar object will show you the progress during compiling the font.
  • removeOverlap()
    removes all overlaps in every glyphs
  • extremePoints()
    adds extremes points for every glyph
  • testInstall()
    test instals the font, it returns the ID of the installed font on the os.
  • removeLayer(layerName)
    removes a complete layer, to create a layer just ask any glyph.getLayer("myLayerName")
  • addGuide((x, y), angle, name="")
    adds a guide at point x, y with angle and name
    returning the created guide
  • removeGuide(guide)
    gwill remove the guide from the font
  • update()
    tell the UI that a font has changed directly
  • prepareUndo(undoTitle="")
    This marks to glyph to be ready that a action begins and it should be recorded to create an undo item when its done
  • performUndo()
    creates the undo item
  • setLayerDisplay(layerName, option, value)
    set display options for layers option: Fill, Stroke, Points, Coordinates


  • glyphOrder
    returns a list of glyph names in a specific order, it is possible to set the a list with a specific order in a font
  • layerOrder
    returns a list of layernames
  • guides
    a list of all the guides in the glyph
  • templateSelection
    next to the font.selection, which only contains glyphs in the font there is also a selection of template glyphs

Glyph Object


  • addGuide((x, y), angle, name="")
    adds a guide at point x, y with angle and name
    returning the created guide
  • removeGuide(guide)
    will remove the guide from the glyph
  • addImage(path, offset=None)
    adds an image from path  with offset
    returning the created guide
  • clearImage()
    remove the image
  • removeOverlap()
    removes all overlaps in every glyphs
  • extremePoints()
    adds extremes points for every glyph
  • deselect()
    deselect everything
  • getLayer(layerName, clear=True)
    return the glyph for that layer, create a layer new layer if the layerName doesn't exists
  • copyToLayer(layerName, clear=True)
    copy the current layer to the a layer with the layerName
  • swapToLayer(layerName)
    swap current layer with the a layer with the layerName
  • flipLayers(layer1Name, layer2Name)
    flip layers
  • update()
    tell the UI that the glyph has changed directly


  • angledLeftMargin
    returns the angled left margin based on the italic angle in the
  • angledRightMargin
    returns the angled right margin based on the italic angle in the
  • mark
    a tuple of 4 (r, g, b, a)
  • image
    the image object, if no image is set it will be None
  • guides
    a list of all the guides in the glyph
  • selection
    a list of selected points
  • selected
    returning True or False if yhe object is selected or not

 Boolean Glyph

  • glyph | otherGlyph
    returns the union of the contours
  • glyph % otherGlyph
    returns the difference of the glyph contours
  • glyph & otherGlyph
    returns the intersection of the glyph contours
  • glyph ^ otherGlyph
    returns the xor of the glyph contours

Guide Object


  • x
    The x of origin the guide.
  • y
    The y of origin the guide.
  • angle
    The angle of guide.
  • name
    The name of the guide
  • isGlobal
    returning if the guide is connected to a font object or glyph object

Image Object


  • transform(tranformation)
    Transform the image with a transform matrix (xy, yy, xx, yx, x, y)
  • move((x, y))
    Move the image with a given x, y
  • translate((x, y))
    Translate the image with a given x, y
  • skew(angle, offset=None)
    Skew the image with a given angle, optionally with an offset (x, y)
  • rotate(angle, offset=None)
    Rotate the image with a given angle, optionally with an offset (x, y)
  • scale((x, y), center=(0, 0))
    Scale the image with a given x, y, optionally with a center coordinate


  • path
    path to the image
  • bounds
    image bounding box
  • brightness
    set brightness of the image (float)
  • contrast
    set contrast of the image (float)
  • saturation
    set saturation of the image (float)
  • sharpness
    set sharpness of the image (float)
  • blackAndWhite
    convert image to black and white (bool)
  • selected

Contour Object


  • join()
    will close an open contour
  • extremePoints()
    adds extremes points for every glyph