
from mojo.roboFont import *


  • AllFonts()
    returns a list of all open font objects, the list as some additional methods
    returns all fonts with the given styleName
    returns all fonts with the given familyName
    getFontsByFamilyNameStyleName(familyName, styleName)
    returns the font with the given familyName and styleName 
  • CurrentFont()
    returns the current font, will be None if no font is opened
  • CurrentGlyph()
    returns the current glyph
  • NewFont(familyName=None, styleName=None, showUI=True)
    Creates a new font with the given familyName and styleName
    optionally you can create a new font without having a UI, this is much faster to do internal actions. 
  • OpenFont(path, showUI=True)
    opens a UFO with a given path
    optionally you can create a new font without having a UI, this is much faster to do internal actions. 
  • RFont(path=None, showUI=True)
    creates a new font with the given path
    optionally you can create a new font without having a UI, this is much faster to do internal actions.  
  • RGlyph()
  • RContour()
  • RInfo()
  • RAnchor()
  • RGroups()
  • RFeatures()
  • RComponent()
  • RKerning()
  • OpenWindow(controller, *args, **kwargs)
    opens a window from the controller objects with args, and kwargs
    use this if you want RoboFont to deal with already opened versions of your window controller 
  • CreateCursor(path, hotSpot=(4, 4))
    creates a cursor object for image path with the given hotSpot 


  • version
    Returns the version of RoboFont