Working with a bitmap image background: slow down

RoboFont Forums Help / General Working with a bitmap image background: slow down

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  frederik 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #3691

    Mathieu Christe


    I haven’t tested RoboFont intensively so far but that’s a great effort, congratulations Frederik. We now have some welcome alternatives for drawing.

    Recently, I gave it a better try for tracing a script logo (“That’s all Folks”) for a project. I imported (drag’n’drop) one bitmap image: 505 x 125 px (61 Kb), to be precise. As I was starting to trace, I realized that the app wasn’t snappy anymore. If I draw without any bitmap background, I feel the difference. Just wondering, have some of you used RoboFont with a bunch of images, say for a revival project? If so, could you please tell me if drawing was ok compared to a new document without any images?

    Thanks in advance for your feedback, best,




    RoboFont should not really slowdown if you add an image to a glyph, not even if you have a bunch of images in several glyphs

    (can you send me the UFO, and enable save images next to the UFO during saving)




    from Matthieu’s email:

    What I mean by slow down is that every time I place a point, there's a lag between placing it and pulling the handle. This should be immediate, which is the case when there isn't any bitmap image.

    There is a tiny distance that the mouse has to move before a bcp is added. RoboFont is doing so to prevent unnecessary adding bcp. But it seems like the zoom level isnt really taking into account to calculate the minimal mouse dragged distance in order to create/add a new bcp

    hope this make sense and will be solved in the next version.


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