Unable to save UFO

RoboFont Forums Bugs Unable to save UFO

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  RF 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #3763


    I am unable to save changes to UFOs. I’m using version 1.2 on a MacPro running Mac OS X 10.7.3. I’m also running it on my laptop, a MacBook Air, same version of OS and everything, and I am able to save with no problem there. (I hope this is okay with the license terms–I am the only user.)

    I’ve been messing around with the program today, trying different things out, installing extensions and such. I think I may have screwed something up.

    Basically, if I open an existing UFO, make changes, then try to save, nothing happens. The “dirty” mark in the close box remains. If I try to close the file, it asks if I want to save changes. If I click “save”, nothing happens, the file stays open, with the “dirty” mark in the close box. The only way I can close the file is if I close without saving changes. After doing this, I can no longer open any UFOs, unless I quit Robofont and restart.

    One other thing I tried was to create a new font doc in Robofont, draw a glyph and then try to save. The save progress bar never finishes. The only way out is to force quit. It does create a UFO, but it seems to be corrupt and will not open in Robofont subsequently.



    Never mind, I was able to fix it by deleting the prefs file.



    He Mark

    The quick and dirty way is idd to delete the prefs.
    It has nothing todo with your license.
    Did you have any extensions installed?




    It many have something to do with my failed attempt to install hTools2 (listed on the extensions page). I couldn’t figure out how to do it, so I was trying all sorts of different things before giving up.



    You can install hTool2 with your local python install. RoboFont adds local site-packages to its own system path so you can use local installed packages.



    I see. Thanks!



    I have the same problem as MarkSimonson:
    «…create a new font doc in Robofont, draw a glyph and then try to save. The save progress bar never finishes. The only way out is to force quit. It does create a UFO, but it seems to be corrupt and will not open in Robofont subsequently.»

    Robofont 1.2, no extensions, combined with OS X 10.7
    Where can I delete the prefs?

    Thank you,



    Worked. I don’t know why, but after working a bit more in the glyphs, i could save and open properly.



    Was there a traceback in the output window?

    thanks, nice to know that bugs will solve itself



    Sorry, didn’t check that. As soon as I tried to save the file, all direct commands on that very file were blocked because of the saving-process. But I was able to open other otfs. So the programm was still reacting. I’ll check next time when it should occure again.

    Thank you anyway for your quick reaction

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