Tool tip or similar to reveal, for example, which name table entry is which

RoboFont Forums Enhancements Tool tip or similar to reveal, for example, which name table entry is which

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  frederik 3 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #6313

    Robin Mientjes

    While proper files should probably have a good name table file for production, I’d still love to generate working fonts from the default export. I wish I could see, inside of the Font Info palette, which name table entries are which – these names vary between all software, and it’s hard to guess which is which. It leads me to a lot of ‘Italic Italic’ files, which is frustrating to work with, and looks sloppy to my beta testers.



    I will add this to the to-do list. The tooltip could refer to the UFO info attribute. Also see for detailed documentation


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