Separate metrics for layers?

RoboFont Forums Features Separate metrics for layers?


This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Niels 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    At the API it looks like glyph.getLayer() has its own ‘width’ attribute.

    However, in the UI the width is grayed out when a layer is activated, and programmatically setting a layer width doesn’t seem to stick, that is, either gets lost or overwrites the ‘foreground’ layer width.

    I’m working around by doing glyph.getLayer().lib[‘layer.advance’] = dict(width=some_number) but perhaps it useful to implement a ‘layers have separate metrics’ behavior just as FontLab did with its ‘mask’ layer?




    As the current implementation layers glyph.width is synced across all layers.
    This will change when UFO3 is fully implemented

    thanks for understanding



    Okay. I think I do understand.

    So thank you for pointing out and thanks in [hopefully not indefinite] advance for doing that UFO3 implementation :D

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