‘Save FDK parts’ doesn’t seem to do anything

RoboFont Forums Help / General ‘Save FDK parts’ doesn’t seem to do anything

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  frederik 4 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #6262

    Robin Mientjes

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding this feature, but it sounds like it’s supposed to save features, kerns and other info next to the UFO file instead of inside of it. But it doesn’t do anything with my existing files. What am I misunderstanding?


    Robin Mientjes

    Ignore the main gist of this question, I suppose. I export the kern feature myself now. Though I am still not sure what the feature is supposed to do.



    ‘Save FDK parts’ saves all files required by FDK while generating a binary font next to the ufo file, if this is enabled.
    The folder has the name of your <familyName><styleName>.fdk and contains several files like:
    * compile.otf
    * features
    * font.otf (the final thing)
    * fontInfo
    * glyphOrder
    * menuname



    I tried that with the embedded and system FDK and that does not work for me.
    OS 10.10 and Robofont 1.7



    I see, and found it, seems like the default setting is not used in the font compiler.

    Will be fixed in the next update…

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