Outline conversion in woff

RoboFont Forums Help / General Outline conversion in woff

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  frederik 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    If you open a TT font in RoboFont, it gives a response that TT splines are getting converted.

    And if you open a WOFF file, it does the same but without a response. Is this correct?

    Bonus question: Is there a way in RoboFont to check if a opened WOFF contains PS or TT outlines?



    RoboFont will check the splines and convert them to two off curves splines in the next version.
    (in version 1.1 it doesn’t check WOFF files, but it should :)

    Although WOFF files with PS outlines should work fine.

    Bonus answer: no ;)

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