Odd progress bar window behaviour

RoboFont Forums Help / General Odd progress bar window behaviour

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Roberto Arista 5 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #6158

    Roberto Arista

    Hi Frederik, Hi RoboFont users,
    I am working on a progress bar window to use inside an extension for processes that requires more than a bunch of seconds to be accomplished.

    I’d like to have in this window some indicators more than just the progress bar, like percentage, process description, time counter and so on.

    So, this is the first version of the progress bar that I wrote:

    But if you run it, you can easily notice that percentage and time counter do not update.
    At least not in my Robofont or Drawbot installations.

    Instead, if I hide and show the window each cycle of the for loop, the two textBox objects are updated:

    What’s happening here?
    Am I doing something wrong?




    Due to optimisations a text will not update directly cause it is receiving lots of updates in a short time.

    You will have to force the text view to update

    see https://github.com/typesupply/defconAppKit/blob/master/Lib/defconAppKit/windows/progressWindow.py#L27-L31

    instead of using the private _nsObject I would encourage you to use getNSTextField()

    good luck


    Roberto Arista

    It works!
    Thanks :)

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