Observers and events

RoboFont Forums Enhancements Observers and events

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  frederik 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #3782


    Is it possible to add an observer that watches the edit field in the Space Center? I can read the contents of the current Space Center manually, but I want to be able to react whenever the user types or edits the sample text in the edit field.



    This is a feature planned feature for the next version.
    Something similar like tools and his observers for the Glyph View but enhanced for Space Center.

    (see :)

    It is possible but it will be with some detours….



    Okay, plan B then.

    Is there a way to go back and forth between a list of glyphs and a string? For example,

    Go from this:

    [‘H’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘l’, ‘o’, ‘exclam’]

    to this:


    and back again? Seems like there should be something like this built into one of the included packages, but I don’t know where to start looking.



    Everything is depending on the font you want to use and the character unicode mapping inside that font.

    you can use something similar:

    ## this is used internally to split inputted text to a list of glyph names based on the current font
    from lib.UI.spaceCenter.glyphSequenceEditText import splitText
    from robofab.interface.all.dialogs import AskString
    ## get some text
    text = AskString("input")
    print "input:", text
    font = CurrentFont()
    ## the character map
    cmap = font.getCharacterMapping()
    ## split the text based on the camp in to a list of glyph names
    glyphNameList = splitText(text, cmap)
    print "as glyph names list:", glyphNameList
    ## loop over the glyph names asks for their unicode value in the current font
    ## convert it back to text based on that unicode value
    backToText = u""
    for glyphName in glyphNameList:
        if glyphName in font:
            glyph = font[glyphName]
            if glyph.unicode is not None:
                backToText += u"%s" %(unichr(glyph.unicode))
                backToText += "/%s " %glyphName    
            backToText += "/%s " %glyphName
    print "backtoText:", backToText

    hope this makes sense.



    Ah, okay. I may be able to work from this.

    Essentially, though, I have a little window built with vanilla with a textEditor in it, and I want to get and set the text in the Space Center text field. This is in the form of a list of glyph names, while the vanilla textEditor field is in the form of a string.

    The font I’m using is whatever the default is in the vanilla textEditor field (Helvetica of some kind).



    mmmm, oke

    Im kind of guessing what you want to achieve but maybe this can help to.

    A SpaceCenter object also has a setRaw and getRaw methods, expecting a string, text as input or return.

    from robofab.interface.all.dialogs import AskString
    from mojo.UI import CurrentSpaceCenter
    sp = CurrentSpaceCenter()
    text = AskString("input")

    (Ive just updated with getRaw and setRaw)



    Yes, that will work! Thanks!

    Sorry for not being clearer about what I was trying to accomplish — I could have spared you from writing all that code in your previous response. I appreciate your time.



    Here’s the script I’ve been working on:

    It’s a little window for composing pangrams. If Space Center is active, it displays them there as well.




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