observer callback format

RoboFont Forums Help / General observer callback format

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  butterick 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #3647


    The sample code for observers shows the callback method that looks like this:

    myObserver(self, glyph, info)

    + The callback function needs to have exactly 3 arguments always?
    + The second argument is always an RGlyph?
    + The third argument is always a … what?

    Fiddling around I got the following traceback:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “lib/eventTools/eventManager.pyc”, line 76, in postEventObserver_glyph_info_

    Just for my general information as I learn Robofont scripting, can I go look at that source code?

    I’m just trying to figure out how to answer more of my own questions.



    if you add an observer the callback always receive the current glyph and some additional info related to the event you subscribed to:
    the info object is a dictionary and the content changes from event to event.
    like mouseDown will have:
    "clickCount" : amount of clicks in the glyph view,
    "event" : the nsEvent object,
    "offset : a offset point used by the glyph view,
    "view" : the glyph view

    (this will change in the next version where a callback only receives a single info dict argument. RF will warn you if you are using the old method)

    euh, no you can not look into the source code



    Why is “info” a dict instead of an instance of a reall class defined in

    I ask about source code because __doc__ seems to be empty for all the mojo.* modules and classes, and the API documentation is missing a lot. I’m looking for a way to supplement my understanding of the API without asking you a hundred questions.

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