Load more text strings into the space center?

RoboFont Forums Enhancements Load more text strings into the space center?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Frederik 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Aside from messing with the preferences file itself, is there a way to load a big amount of sample text strings for the space center? The one-by-one method in the app’s prefs is tedious, and the editing of the prefs files *may* be hazardeous

    Btw, what is the recommended strategy regarding the storage of custom user data?
    I’ve seen that the preferences files stores a lot of things, including character sets, space center text strings.

    The latter two are already numerous in my case, I’m a bit worried that it will mess the prefs file. Should I? (be worried)



    There is a scripting possibility to access, change and manage the input string for the space center

    see http://doc.robofont.com/documentation/scripting/api/mojo/mojo-ui/ (CurrentSpaceCenter)

    If you store user defaults through the app its will be fine.
    no worries :)

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