Generate interface elements through iteration

RoboFont Forums Help / General Generate interface elements through iteration

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Roberto Arista 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #6095

    Roberto Arista

    Hello RoboUsers!

    This question is a bit off topic because it concerns vanilla, but I think someone could help me anyway here.
    I am trying to generate some elements in an interface through an iteration over a dictionary.

    Starting from a list of colors stored into a csv file, I need to generate some controls in order to modify the colors.
    The first file attached is a sketch of what I want to achieve.
    The number of rows has to set automatically according to the number of the dictionary pairs.

    Here you can see a draft of my code:

    In the second attached file (screenshot) you can see what appears, only the first element of the dictionary is displayed.

    Does anyone has advices? Case studies to look at?

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    inside a vanilla.Group everything the position relative to the parent vanilla.Group. You are using the colors_y value to set the TextBox and ColorWell inside a group that you add to a window.

    posted a fix here

    good luck


    Roberto Arista

    Oh! This is quite embarrassing.

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