DrawBot versus TinyDrawBot

RoboFont Forums Help / General DrawBot versus TinyDrawBot

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  frederik 6 years, 10 months ago.

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    I recently downloaded the latest DrawBot (v3.2.4) and its documentation. It supports some functionality which is not yet available in TinyDrawBot, such as size(). Are there plans for getting TinyDrawBot in sync with DrawBot 3.2.4?




    there already an official DrawBot extension but it needs a RF beta. The next update is required to get DrawBot inside RoboFont working. TinyDrawBot will be deprecated and removed form the git repo.

    The extension will support everything DrawBot has, as it is really the same code :)
    But it has some benefits of using all the RoboFont functionality.


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