Custom rotation tool

RoboFont Forums Help / General Custom rotation tool

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  frederik 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #4235


    Hi everyone

    I’m trying to create a tool with a special point rotation behavior on selected points.
    Which tool to build on?
    BaseEventTool unselects all selected points when activated.
    EditingTool does all its normal but unwanted things when dragging the mouse with points selected.

    Where to go from here? Thank you.



    can you elaborate what you want to achieve with the special rotation behavior?

    you can build a custom tool and draw the selected points your self

    s = 5 ## / scale # in a tool you can get the scale value
    for x, y in CurrentGlyph().selection:
    	oval(x-s, y-s, s*2, s*2)
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