Animation in mojo.Canvas

RoboFont Forums Help / General Animation in mojo.Canvas

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Roberto Arista 4 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #6234

    Roberto Arista

    Hi Frederik,
    I’d like to know if it is possible to generate an animation into a mojo.Canvas instance or into an NSView() (a kind of Processing void draw{}, which refresh itself to a given rate). I’d like to create something similar to the responsive lettering by Erik but keeping the animation into the application environment (no svg, no html).
    Any idea?

    All the best



    Hi Roberto

    small example

    hope this helps :)

    from AppKit import NSTimer
    from random import random
    from vanilla import *
    from mojo.canvas import Canvas
    import mojo.drawingTools as dt
    from lib.baseObjects import CallbackWrapper
    class Test(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.pos = 0, 0
            self.width = 400
            self.height = 400
            self.size = 100
            self.steps = 5
            self.addHorizontal = True
            self.directionX = 1
            self.directionY = 1
            framePerSecond = 30
            self.interval = framePerSecond / 1000.
            self.w = Window((400, 400))
            self.w.canvas = Canvas((0, 0, 400, 400), self, canvasSize=(self.width, self.height))
            self._callback = CallbackWrapper(self.redraw)
        def sheduleTimer(self):
            if self.w.getNSWindow() is not None:
                self.trigger = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval_target_selector_userInfo_repeats_(self.interval, self._callback, "action:", None, False)
        def redraw(self, timer):
        def draw(self):
            x, y = self.pos
            if self.addHorizontal:
                x += self.steps  * self.directionX
                y += self.steps  * self.directionY
            if x > (self.width - self.size):
                self.addHorizontal = False
                x = self.width - self.size
                self.directionX *= -1
            elif x < 0:
                self.addHorizontal = False
                x = 0     
                self.directionX *= -1       
            if y > (self.height - self.size):
                self.addHorizontal = True
                y = self.height - self.size
                self.directionY *= -1
            elif y < 0:
                self.addHorizontal = True
                y = 0
                self.directionY *= -1
            dt.fill(x/float(self.width), y/float(self.height), 1)
            dt.rect(x, y, self.size, self.size)
            self.pos = x, y

    Roberto Arista

    you made my day

    Thanks : )))))

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