Adding A Single Extreme Point

RoboFont Forums Help / General Adding A Single Extreme Point

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Summerour 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #3738


    I may be completely missing this… BUT…

    Is it possible to add just a single Extreme Point in between 2 control points? The ‘Add Extreme Points’ does it universally on a glyph but, in some cases, this is not desirable.

    Any ideas?



    In versions until 1.1 its only possible to add extreme points on selected contours (even if only one point is selected)

    In the next version it will be possible to add an extreme point between two selected oncurve points.



    when will the next version be released? Robothon?

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